The past week, somewhat aptly (in synchronization with the end of my exams) has offered the most glorious weather. Amidst the painful-looking lobster red burns that most people have been fashioning, I turned up at a well-known British supermarket, being Tesco.
I was just going to do my weekly shop. It's usually a very standard basic affair, but this week I thought hey... you know what, I am going to treat myself to a couple of luxury purchases. There I was, just browsing casually, spring onions - yep, rice - yep, kiwi fruit - why not. Then, there it was... the Finest clotted cream at a special price of just 98p.
The bargain signals immediately flashed on red alert!
I had to do it, and do it I did. One thing led to another, clotted cream, strawberry jam, which would both be rendered fairly useless without the 6 pack of perfectly crafted 78p scones. My mouth was literally watering at the prospect of this taste sensation. Especially, as I have not had a proper cream tea since I last went to Cornwall, 2 summers ago!
This got me thinking. Is this one of the best things that Britain, as a nation has to offer gastronomically... I would certainly argue a resounding 'Yes'. I can tell you now that the first knife into the slightly crusty-topped pot of clotted cream really does get you excited.
Settling down with a nice cuppa on a summers afternoon.
Pure perfection.