But, I suppose a point to ponder on... RE: Communism. If, as a Communist leader you are able to rally a vulnerable mass, and manage to indoctrinate and brain wash, well, then who knows... although, as a History graduate, when such ideals have been formulated and imposed under one man in one state previously, his legacy has clearly not been maintained - Hitler being a glaring example. Furthermore, we have all seen the failings between Lenin > Stalin - who despite converging under the same Marxist banner, did not share the same fundamental ideological beliefs, which ultimately led Stalin to become a power hungry psycho who could trust no-one.
A word of warning. North Korea, you may prosper now via your controlling repressive means, (incidentally, it is going to be interesting to see if any of their fans will be allowed to go to the World Cup next summer?!) but I am afraid to say that I can see you too will fail. History does have a tendency to repeat itself - just give it a little more time. Conversely, if North Korea, you may succeed, well, then I have probably just put myself on the list of people that you will come after first.
Next: Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan