I reckon I am back here now! (Except this time without the painful-crash-learning-stage) Recently I bought a new bike. The assembly of it was like us bonding, making friends. However, it sat in my dining room, miserable. For a good few weeks we would stare at each other! This torture was endured because of the adverse weather, which from past experience does not lend kindly to any sort of pedaling activities!
So... The snow finally clears! The sun pops out briefly, and I even get a day of work! What a fine (chilled) day to head out on my shiny new cycle! After taking an age to work out the Campagnolo gearing system (confusing for a road-bike first timer!) I was away! All was good, except on such a bike you really notice how shit British road surfaces are...
Anyway, a good couple of miles in to my ride around the Queens estate and its immediate villages, I felt some great discomfort! I just felt like vomiting up my lungs! This is not because I am unhealthy. I lead a pretty nutritious and balanced lifestyle. I eat my veg! I quickly deduced that it was the hunched riding position that was causing this pain! Oww... I need to do a shit load of sit ups to make this feel normal! Painful indeed, but its all worth it when your racing downs hills at a good 30mph. Dangerously exciting!
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